
Auto send userA's profile URL to userB

cn flag

I thought this could be easy, but I don't know what's the best way to achieve this.

I have an acting "job" application site, userA need to finish his "profile2" first which including photos, weight, height etc.. userB will post a job node, then userA will click an "apply" button within the job node, userB will receive a message/email which including the userA's profile URL, then userB can look at userA's profile to decide if this person is ok for his job. I can't figure out which module I should use to make this process works, email/webform/privatemessage ? if you can suggest how to make this works. thanks

cn flag

You could build a flow like this using the Flag module.

General steps

  1. Create a flag, Apply for job that targets the job node entity. Make it a per-user flag, not a global flag.
  2. Give job applicants permission to flag job nodes.
  3. Create a view that show's the job poster all the flags on their job node, and use a relationship to pull in each applicant's profile.
lee avatar
cn flag
thanks it works
cn flag
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