
Get parent Paragraph Entity from Referenced View

me flag

I have a custom paragraph type - which has 2 fields:

  • Display Mode,
  • View to be rendered

I want to let users choose Display Mode in this paragraph, then I will render view dynamically based on this Display Mode value.

The problem is, it seems there is no way to get this Display Mode value inside view template(views-view-unformatted.html.twig) or hook (HOOK_preprocess_views_view).

Only what I can access is view object, which definitely does not have any parent entity info.

Any idea?

sa flag

It sounds like you need Viewsreference. With this you just need 1 field on the paragraph, the viewsreference field, which provides a widget to select the view (autocomplete, or select) and the display ID, as well as it lets you limit to pre-defined list of views, and display types.

ru flag

All entities (*) in Drupal are meant to be stand-alone and self-contained, so do it the other way round: Instead of querying upwards from the view, pass the field value downwards from the paragraph template to the view as a parameter.

E.g. create a paragraph.html.twig template and then call the view with the paramater from your paragraph field (using the Twig Tweak module):

{{ drupal_view('my_view_id', paragraph.field_display_mode.0.value) }}

The first parameter of drupal_view is the machine name of the view, the 2nd parameter is the machine name of the display in that view.

(*) Paragraphs is kind of an exception as it is by data-model explicitly designed to be directly depending on a parent entity.

Austin L avatar
me flag
Simply not working with this error : Twig\Error\SyntaxError: Unknown "drupal_view" function.
ru flag
`{{ drupal_view() }}` is part of the twig tweak module I've linked in my answer
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