
How to reset cache on a specific page by a given URL?

jp flag

In Drupal 7, I found a way to reset cache on a specific page with:

$url = url('<front>',  array('absolute' => TRUE));
cache_clear_all($url, 'cache_page');

What is the equivalent way in Drupal 9?

unusedspoon avatar
aq flag
Using cache tags and contexts. Here's the docs and this is how to invalidate caches with a certain tag
Jaypan avatar
de flag
Yes, there isn't a directly equivalent way in D9, as the way of handing caching was much improved between D7 and D8+.
sonfd avatar
in flag
why do you want to do this?
Ivan Ginovski avatar
jp flag
I was adding a library to a specific page and it could be updated only through a configuration settings form, which would then reset the cache, so the library is properly updated.
jp flag

Solved it like this:

$url = Url::fromUserInput($custom_url);
  if ($url instanceof UrlInterface) {
    if ($url->isRouted()) {
      $nid = $url->getRouteParameters()['node'];
      /** @var \Drupal\node\Entity\Node $node */
      $node = Node::load($nid);
      if ($node instanceof NodeInterface) {
        $tags = $node->getCacheTags();
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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