
How to make an entity reference field only load a rendered entity, when clicking on it? (ajax load on click)

cn flag

I want to mimic a zettelkasten system, by starting in a very simple way:

An entity of type 'Note' includes a body and an entity reference field, that can reference another note (of the same entity type) as fully rendered embedded entity.

I like to make the viewed note only display the entity reference field as link, but when I click on it the referenced link must turn into a fully rendered entity.

I understand this needs some ajax load on click, but I'm not a programmer. I see there is this module: Entity Reference Ajax Formatter, but that applies ajax as 'load more' link, and does turn a clickable link into a rendered entity.

How could this be accomplished?

mx flag
This module is probably what you're looking for: [Ajax link]( [Colorbox Load]( helps if you want the content in a "lightbox", and this one is a more complex solution.

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