I'm using a view to list products from db index. I want to implement a custom sorting (my goal is to sort by current taxonomy term page, products having a specific node field field_MY_FIELD_NAME = CURRENT_TID, showing up first)
First using hook_views_data_alter I override the sort of an indexed field that I have chosen as a sort criteria inside the view
function MODULE_views_data_alter(array &$data) {
$data['search_api_index_products_index']['category_tid']['sort']['id'] = 'current_category_first';
Next I created the corresponding class to alter the query sorting
namespace Drupal\MODULE\Plugin\views\sort;
use Drupal\search_api\Plugin\views\sort\SearchApiSort;
* Basic sort handler for product listing.
* @ViewsSort("current_category_first")
Class CurrentCategoryFirst extends SearchApiSort{
public function query(){
$formula = '-1 * FIELD(' . $this->tableAlias . '.' . $this->field . ',56' . ')';
$this->query->addOrderBy(NULL, $formula, 'ASC','current_category_first');
this mysql $formula
is inspired from the module views_list_sort witch is working fine with a simple view that do not retrieve from search API index (assuming that the term_id = 56, witch will be calculated later )
Unfotunately, This code do not list the view with the desired order, using ASC or DESC order change nothing (of course the tid=56 exists and is the current term page where i'm testing)
also using sort
method instead of addOrderBy
do not work, as it expect to have an existing field as a parameter and putting a formula throws "Unknown field" error
I tried also to separate the view into two views to use Union query but no luck as the query object of search api is not of type SelectInterface