
How do I change the "secure" and "httpOnly" attributes of the cookies provided by the EU Cookie Compliance module?

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I am using the eu cookie compliance module in Drupal 9 and I need to change the "secure" and "httpOnly" values of the cookies, as I am getting a vulnerability error "CWE-614: Sensitive Cookie in HTTPS Session Without 'Secure' Attribute". I have tested from the settings.php using the following code:

ini_set('session.cookie_secure', 1);

However it didn't work, I also tried with some modules but it didn't work either. enter image description here

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What is the Drupal version? What module produces those cookies?
Juan Carlos Osorio avatar
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I am using drupal 9
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Which module produces those cookies? You did not say that in the question. I am downvoting the question until you add that information.
Juan Carlos Osorio avatar
ec flag
I am using the eu cookie compliance module
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Please add that information to the Question. Also, for what it's worth, those are not PHP session cookies so `ini_set('session.cookie_secure', 1)` will not do anything to change these cookies..
Juan Carlos Osorio avatar
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Oh okay I understand
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By looking over the 8.x-1.x branch of that module, what you are asking seems to be unsupported there. It sets cookies like:

cookies.set(cookieName, status, { path: path, domain: domain, sameSite: 'strict' });

However, cookies.set supports all the possible options.

So the answer to this question is: Open a feature request with the module maintainers, or patch the files in the js directory, or both.

Juan Carlos Osorio avatar
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wow thank you very much my friend
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Please accept the answer.

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