
How to access block contents in run within hook_form_alter?

fr flag

I am using Drupal 9 and I need to get the block content within hook_form_alter implementation, I tried these lines:

$bid = 'consumerorganizationselection';
$block = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('block')->load($bid);

but this ended up returning the block configuration not the content. enter image description here

Is there any approach to get that block content in Drupal 9?

I tried the solution of the duplicate question here: How to get a field value of custom block? but the uuid is returned for me is NULL:

$bid = 'consumerorganizationselection';
$block = \Drupal\block\Entity\Block::load($bid);
$uuid = $block->getPlugin()->getDerivativeId();

What can be the issue here?

4uk4 avatar
cn flag
Then the block probably doesn't contain block content but is rather a plugin generating the content in PHP. If you are trying to render the block see
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