
Where to implement CSS previously implemented by CSS_editor now deprecated

in flag

Theme css in useViews with tables have a Flag that changes from Pending to Complete when the row is completed. The background of the entire row changes color depending upon the word.

Working css_editor code (theme settings custom CSS enabled):

tr.pending td { color: red; }
tr.Complete td { background-color: #66ff99; }

After uninstalling the deprecated css_editor module, I have no idea where to put the above code. Already added to existing custom module css and it does not work as shown. (maybe syntax issue?) I do not sub-class the theme as this is the only issue. I do have a custom module with css.

No Sssweat avatar
ua flag
`I do have a custom module with css.` Create one.
id flag
Is it a custom theme? If so it seems you would want to add CSS to the theme, which is documented:
leymannx avatar
ne flag
`tr.pending td { color: red !important; }`. Does complete really write with upper C? `tr.Complete td { background-color: #66ff99 !important; }`.
DStrider avatar
in flag
The code is currently working.. being used everyday for years. As written.
DStrider avatar
in flag
I do not have a custom theme
ru flag might be a D10 compatible replacement for your other module
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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