
Is there a way to validate access & refresh tokens issued using the Simple OAuth module?

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I am using the OAuth2 authorization code grant with the Simple OAuth module. Everything is working, however I would like to be able to validate access and refresh tokens from my frontend NodeJS server. Is there an API endpoint to which I can send a token to, and in the response I get information about that token (aka token introspection)? For example, a response telling me the token is expired.

Thanks for all the help in advance, and let me know if I need to clarify the question in any way!

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The question is how to validate JavaScript Web Tokens on other web apps. Do I have that right?
levente.nas avatar
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@cilefen Not quite. I want to validate access tokens I've received from Drupal/Simple OAuth module. I receive an authorization token after the user logs in. I can then exchange that for an access token and refresh token. I want to validate the access and refresh token.
id flag
OAuth sends validity times with the tokens. But you wish to test them further without making an ordinary API call (like a request for some data with the access token), or request a new access token (with the refresh token), correct? The question is whether or not OAuth requires a validation API, does this module provide one, yes?
levente.nas avatar
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@cilefen That is precisely correct. I'm hoping there is a separate API call only for token validation.
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The routes in that module are and the implementable OAuth 2.0 endpoints are documented in this RFC:
levente.nas avatar
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@cilefen So the way I'm seeing it there isn't a current implementation for the token introspection endpoint in the Simple OAuth module. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'd need to implement this with a custom API endpoint?
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I am fairly sure the answer is "no". There is no such route provided by the module.

At this stage this looks like a feature request for the module.


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