I have a custom plugin type and annotation. The purpose of it is so people can develop their own clients for an API integration, and tell the system which plugin to use to perform these actions. I am able to load all defined plugins and add their sub forms on the main settings configuration form page I have implemented.
When the form submits, I can see the values go through to the appropriate plugin, but the values are not persisted nor in the database. I'm having trouble figuring out how to get this to save.
$clients = $form_state->getValue('connections');
if (!empty($clients)) {
foreach ($clients as $key => $client) {
$instance = $this->clientPluginManager->createInstance($key, []);
$client_form_state = SubformState::createForSubform($form['connections'][$key], $form, $form_state);
$instance->submitConfigurationForm($form['connections'][$key], $client_form_state);
parent::submitForm($form, $form_state);
In the plugin:
* {@inheritdoc}
public function submitConfigurationForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function setConfiguration(array $configuration) {
$this->configuration = NestedArray::mergeDeep($this->defaultConfiguration(), $configuration);
In my module (from looking around at other modules):
type: config_entity
label: 'Default client configuration'
type: string
label: 'The client API key.'
type: string
label: 'The hostname or base URI of the API.'
type: mymodule.default_client_configuration
I am not entirely certain how the schema should be set. Do I also have to create a custom config entity class definition too? How does configuration make it from the form into config state?