Drupal community!
I am working on migrating from D7 to D9. Both are located on separate servers. I configured D7 database as db to migrate in my D9 settings.php, like this:
$databases['migrate']['default'] = [
'database' => 'dbname',
'username' => 'username',
'password' => 'password',
'prefix' => '',
'host' => 'd7_ip_host',
'port' => '3306',
'namespace' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Database\\Driver\\mysql',
'driver' => 'mysql',
And when I try drush migrate:status
or drush migrate:upgrade
, Drush hangs on "Try to validate bootstrap phase 0."
The output of Box Requirements Checker is the following.
> Using PHP 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.11
> PHP is using the following php.ini file:
> Checking Box requirements:
✔ The package "composer/xdebug-handler" requires the version "^5.3.2 || ^7.0
|| ^8.0" or greater.
✔ The package "laravel-zero/phar-updater" requires the version "^7.3|^8.0" or
✔ The package "psr/log" requires the version ">=5.3.0" or greater.
✔ The package "webmozart/assert" requires the version "^7.2 || ^8.0" or
✔ The package "webmozart/path-util" requires the version ">=5.3.3" or greater.
✔ The package "webflo/drupal-finder" requires the extension "json".
✔ The package "webmozart/assert" requires the extension "ctype".
[OK] Your system is ready to run the application.
[preflight] Config paths: /home/mediaport.ua/www/vendor/drush/drush/drush.yml
[preflight] Alias paths: /home/mediaport.ua/www/drush/sites,/home/mediaport.ua/ drush/sites
[preflight] Commandfile search paths: /home/mediaport.ua/www/vendor/drush/drush /src
[debug] Bootstrap further to find migrate:status [0.06 sec, 9.44 MB]
[debug] Trying to bootstrap as far as we can [0.07 sec, 9.44 MB]
[info] Drush bootstrap phase: bootstrapDrupalRoot() [0.07 sec, 9.45 MB]
[info] Change working directory to /home/mediaport.ua/www [0.07 sec, 9.44 MB]
[info] Initialized Drupal 9.4.8 root directory at /home/mediaport.ua/www [0.07 sec, 9.45 MB]
[info] Drush bootstrap phase: bootstrapDrupalSite() [0.07 sec, 9.46 MB]
[debug] Could not find a Drush config file at sites/default/drush.yml. [0.07 se c, 9.62 MB]
[info] Initialized Drupal site default at sites/default [0.07 sec, 9.62 MB]
[info] Drush bootstrap phase: bootstrapDrupalConfiguration() [0.07 sec, 9.62 MB ]
[debug] Add service modifier [0.07 sec, 9.88 MB]
[info] Drush bootstrap phase: bootstrapDrupalDatabase() [0.08 sec, 10.42 MB]
[info] Successfully connected to the Drupal database. [0.08 sec, 10.42 MB]
[info] Drush bootstrap phase: bootstrapDrupalFull() [0.08 sec, 10.42 MB]
[debug] Start bootstrap of the Drupal Kernel. [0.08 sec, 10.42 MB]
[debug] Finished bootstrap of the Drupal Kernel. [0.13 sec, 17.27 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\config\ConfigCommands [0 .21 sec, 27.38 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\config\ConfigExportComma nds [0.22 sec, 27.42 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\config\ConfigImportComma nds [0.22 sec, 27.42 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\BatchCommands [0.22 sec, 27.43 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\CliCommands [0.22 s ec, 27.43 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\DrupalCommands [0.2 2 sec, 27.44 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\DeployHookCommands [0.22 sec, 27.45 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\EntityCommands [0.2 2 sec, 27.47 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\LinkHooks [0.22 sec , 27.48 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\ImageCommands [0.22 sec, 27.49 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\JsonapiCommands [0. 22 sec, 27.5 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\LanguageCommands [0 .22 sec, 27.51 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\LocaleCommands [0.2 2 sec, 27.52 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\MessengerCommands [ 0.22 sec, 27.54 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\MigrateRunnerComman ds [0.22 sec, 27.54 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\QueueCommands [0.23 sec, 27.59 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\RoleCommands [0.23 sec, 27.61 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\StateCommands [0.23 sec, 27.63 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\TwigCommands [0.23 sec, 27.64 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\UserCommands [0.23 sec, 27.65 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\ViewsCommands [0.23 sec, 27.71 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\core\WatchdogCommands [0 .23 sec, 27.74 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\field\FieldCreateCommand s [0.23 sec, 27.78 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\field\FieldInfoCommands [0.23 sec, 27.79 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\field\FieldDeleteCommand s [0.23 sec, 27.79 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\field\FieldBaseOverrideC reateCommands [0.23 sec, 27.8 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\field\FieldBaseInfoComma nds [0.23 sec, 27.81 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\pm\PmCommands [0.24 sec, 27.82 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\pm\ThemeCommands [0.24 s ec, 27.83 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\sql\SanitizeCommands [0. 24 sec, 27.84 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\sql\SanitizeCommentsComm ands [0.24 sec, 27.84 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\sql\SanitizeSessionsComm ands [0.24 sec, 27.85 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\sql\SanitizeUserFieldsCo mmands [0.24 sec, 27.85 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drush\Drupal\Commands\sql\SanitizeUserTableCom mands [0.24 sec, 27.86 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drupal\entity_reference_revisions\Commands\Ent ityReferenceRevisionsCommands [0.24 sec, 27.86 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drupal\image_effects\Commands\ImageEffectsComm ands [0.24 sec, 27.87 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drupal\migrate_upgrade\Commands\MigrateUpgrade Commands [0.24 sec, 27.87 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drupal\token\Commands\TokenCommands [0.24 sec, 27.89 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drupal\views_bulk_operations\Commands\ViewsBul kOperationsCommands [0.24 sec, 27.89 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drupal\webform\Commands\WebformCommands [0.24 sec, 27.9 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drupal\webform\Commands\WebformSanitizeSubmiss ionsCommands [0.24 sec, 27.97 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drupal\pathauto\Commands\PathautoCommands [0.2 4 sec, 27.97 MB]
[debug] Add a commandfile class: Drupal\xmlsitemap\Commands\XmlSitemapCommands [0.24 sec, 27.99 MB]
[debug] Done with bootstrap max in Application::bootstrapAndFind(): trying to f ind migrate:status again. [0.25 sec, 28.02 MB]
[info] Starting bootstrap to none [0.25 sec, 28.13 MB]
[info] Drush bootstrap phase 0 [0.25 sec, 28.13 MB]
[info] Try to validate bootstrap phase 0 [0.25 sec, 28.13 MB]
I do see that the connection with the remote database has been established, so I do not understand what is the problem.
Does somebody have any advice?