
Access a Computed Field in Views

ru flag

I am trying to get the new version of Computed Fields to work on our site. It's working great, except I can't get it to be accessed in Views a field. In the README it explains that the new version has "computed field created by creating a computed field entity is always a bundle field, not a base field". Myself, and others, are talking to the module maintainer, but so far we haven't had much luck, so I thought I'd try here as well. Anyone have any idea how to access a bundle field as a regular field that can be used in Views.

Jaypan avatar
de flag
I've never used the module, but I create custom computed view plugins, and I believe to use them in Views you need to implement `hook_views_data()`. Maybe the module does not do this automatically, and you need to implement it yourself in a module.
ru flag
Computed bundle fields are not supported by Views. The corresponding issue is linked directly on the d.o module page itself. Example solution code needs 1 additional click:
TomP avatar
ru flag
I actually commented at The problem there is there were so many posts, I can't figure out if any of the patches will work on Drupal 9.5.x site. If so, which one? Will hook_views_data() work on the new version bundle fields?
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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