
How can I resolve the "Unique file URI" when using managed_file field in form API with a file name that already exists?

mv flag

I am facing a strange issue with a managed_file field in my Drupal form API. Whenever I upload a file and save the form, and then come back again to upload another file with the same name, I get this error message.

The specified file xyz.png could not be uploaded. The file temporary://xyz.png already exists. Enter a unique file URI.

However, if I try to upload the file again, it gets uploaded successfully with the file name renamed.

I noticed a similar issue reported in the module issue queue.

Can anyone suggest why this might be happening and how to fix it?

id flag
I think you indicated that you have a custom code implementation. If you do we need to see that in order to answer your question.
Zuhair avatar
mv flag
Added my code here - , this is multistep form, step 1 there is managed_file, file stored in temporary folder, Step2 - get name & emal, on Submit- move file from temporary folder to Public folder, I think the issue is due to moving from temporary folder to public folder in step 2.

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