
Update entityManager()->getViewBuilder from 5 year old site?

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I have a Drupal 8 module which hasn't been updated for 5 years. I m trying to update to current version of Drupal.

The error I get is

Error: Call to undefined method Drupal::entityManager()

The code causing the error is below.

      $viewbuilder = \Drupal::entityManager()->getViewBuilder('paragraph');
      $data = $viewbuilder->view($paragraph);
      $array['#cache']['tags'][] = 'node:' . $node->id();

When I search one suggestions is to load through drupal service like below


This gives a similar error, as does using EntityTypeManager


How do I update this code?

Thanks for any help

apaderno avatar
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Welcome to Drupal Answers! From the question, I understand that every time you call a `\Drupal` method, you get an error saying that method does not exist. Is that correct? Otherwise, what you do you mean with *a similar error*?
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View builders are now retrieved from the service entity_type.manager, which can be retrieved globally using \Drupal::entityTypeManager():



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In Drupal 10, the code to get an entity view builder is used, for example, in BlockViewBuilderTest::testBasicRendering().

$builder = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getViewBuilder('block');
$output = $builder->view($entity, 'block');

The same code is used in Drupal 9 and Drupal 8.9.

Older code used Drupal::entityManager(), but as the documentation page says, that method has been deprecated and removed in Drupal 9. \Drupal::entityTypeManager() should be instead used in most cases.

If you get an error about \Drupal::entityTypeManager() being a non existing method, then the core/lib/Drupal.php file is probably corrupted.

The entity_field.manager is a completely different service and it is not the service you need to use. The class implementing it (EntityFieldManager) does not define any getViewBuilder() method.

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