
Install Drush Launcher on MacOS Ventura on a Apple Silicon (M2) machine

pe flag

I know this is not really a Drupal question but rather Drush. Maybe a Mac user can help me.

I installed drush launcher under MacOs Ventura on a Mac M2 by following the procedure.

Running drush st (for example) after sudo mv drush.phar /usr/local/bin/drush gives me this error.

zsh:permission denied:drush

I changed the permissions but I still get the error. Can you give me any advice?

Should we put it somewhere else?

I managed to install it on my previous Intel Mac but I don't remember how I did it. Perhaps the procedure has since changed.

leymannx avatar
ne flag
Don't do this. Please use [DDEV]( It basically comes with Drush Launcher built in. And everything else you need for PHP CMS development.
leymannx avatar
ne flag
How did you change the permission exactly?
pe flag
@leymannx I will try DDEV. I change the permission in terminal with `chmod 755 foldername` or `chmod 777 filename`.
Jaypan avatar
de flag
You can run `sudo chmod u+x /usr/local/bin/drush`, and after that `drush` should work.
id flag
ne flag

Please read the README thoroughly. You are missing one step:

chmod +x drush.phar
pe flag
I had done this step well (I had not detailed it in the question, sorry) but thanks to your help, I understood, you put me on the track. I was running the `mv` command in a drush folder (`/usr/local/bin/drush`) and not in `/usr/local/bin/`. We had to rename `drush.phar` to `drush` and not copy it in a drush folder. I'm confused, it was so simple. I made this mistake because there was no folder in `usr/local` and I created `bin` and `drush` which was not necessary.
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