
Set default values of a webform element from a field on a user account

cn flag

On a user account I have field field_hourly_rate which is a price field (I can also use a number field for it) and I am trying to set the field as default value of an element for a webform placed on the user account page.

I have tried [current-user:field_hourly_rate], [current-page:query:field_hourly_rate], [webform_submission:user:field_hourly_rate], [webform_submission:source-entity:field_hourly_rate], {{ webform_token('[current-page:query:field_hourly_rate]') }}

None of them worked.


This is how I finally was able to solve this: I installed the module Current Page Entity Tokens, and it made tokens available for the user who owns the profile being viewed and so I was able to get the token [current-page:user:field_hourly_rate] I added the token in the webform computed token element and pulled the value from the user account. Meanwhile because I wanted to make computations with the value the price field didn't work because it was coming bundled with the currency so I changed to a number field and everything worked.

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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