
Can I set default access settings?

mx flag

The Webform module defaults to allowing anonymous and authenticated users to submit a form.

The vast majority of the webforms we use are for internal staff that have a particular Drupal role.

Is there a setting for defaulting to a particular role/roles when creating a new form? There seems to be for everything else.

We are using Drupal 9.5.x and Webform 6.1.x.

id flag
Based on it is likely someone here has to invent a way.
cn flag

Looking at webform.api.php there is a specific hook for that:

 * Implements hook_webform_access_rules_alter().
function mymodule_webform_access_rules_alter(array &$access_rules) {
  if (isset($access_rules['create'])) {
    $access_rules['create']['roles'] = ['editor', 'moderator'];
ChumKui avatar
mx flag
Many thanks - so the solution to this would be to write a module. OK, one for the backlog...!
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