
Form States not working when compressed javascript is enabled

cn flag

I have visible states setup for a 2 fields that correctly work when javascript aggregation is disabled. When I turn JS aggregation on both fields are visible no matter what option I select on the triggering field.

The error I see in the console is:

jQuery.Deferred exception: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'drupalSettings.dialog.buttonClass = 'btn'') 
(anonymous function) — js_fsUR56avHuCdleLNsv7K8iPJi-p2GvAib4YZimyUwYM.js:2656
e — js_iZGsOOYcwKj6smZrna-ZUEcxHgdurhEAEKqi_VGeytE.js:1399
(anonymous function) — js_iZGsOOYcwKj6smZrna-ZUEcxHgdurhEAEKqi_VGeytE.js:1407

The exact line causing this is:

 // Create the "modal" plugin bridge.
        Bootstrap.Modal.Bridge = function() {
            var Modal = this;

however I didn't write that line and can't seem to find it.

EDIT: These are the errors I get with JS aggregation disabled:

[Error] TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'Bootstrap.Modal')
    (anonymous function) (modal.jquery.ui.bridge.js:73)
    (anonymous function) (drupal.bootstrap.js:239)
    (anonymous function) (modal.jquery.ui.bridge.js:17)
    Global Code (modal.jquery.ui.bridge.js:585)
[Error] TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '$.fn.tooltip.Constructor.DEFAULTS')
    (anonymous function) (drupal.js:14)

I'm not using any custom javascript on this page just relying purely on Drupals Form API and '#states'.

EDIT 2: Turning off "Enable Bootstrap Modals" in the themes appearance settings menu allows the states to continue working. The theme is not using a CDN(both options error out for some reason) and I'm not sure why the local compile isn't working.

id flag
It is helpful to disable aggregation when getting console stack traces.
Jaypan avatar
de flag
Looks like bootstrap JS is not loading/loaded.
cn flag
I think you're right but I'm not sure how to fix it. disabling Modals in the bootstrap theme settings lets it work but also stops modals.
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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