
How can show a message for products that are not in stock?

ye flag

I am implementing custom stock management in Commerce. I followed the following steps.

  1. I have added a stock integer field in product variant.

  2. I have written a event subscriber which reduce this stock field value after purchasing.

    public static function getSubscribedEvents() {
      $events[''] = ['orderCompleteHandler'];
      return $events;
     * Reduces the stock value after purchase.
     * @param \Drupal\state_machine\Event\WorkflowTransitionEvent $event
     *   Event object.
     public function orderCompleteHandler(WorkflowTransitionEvent $event) {
       /** @var \Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderInterface $order */
       $order = $event->getEntity();
       // Order items in the cart.
       $items = $order->getItems();
       foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
         $entity = $item->getPurchasedEntity();
         $quantity = $item->getQuantity();
         $stock_field_value = $entity->field_stock->value;
         $entity->field_stock->value = $stock_field_value - $quantity;
  3. Then I have a stock checker which implements AvailabilityCheckerInterface.

    namespace Drupal\commerce_custom_stock;
    use Drupal\commerce\Context;
    use Drupal\commerce_order\AvailabilityCheckerInterface;
    use Drupal\commerce_order\AvailabilityResult;
    use Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderItemInterface;
     * Class to check stock.
    class VariationAvailabilityChecker implements AvailabilityCheckerInterface {
       * {@inheritdoc}
      public function applies(OrderItemInterface $order_item) {
        return TRUE;
       * {@inheritdoc}
      public function check(OrderItemInterface $order_item, Context $context) {
        $entity = $order_item->getPurchasedEntity();
        $quantity = $order_item->getQuantity();
        // Order should not be placed if Stock is zero.
        if ($entity->field_stock->value <= 0) {
          $result = t('This product is out of stock.');
          return AvailabilityResult::unavailable($result);
        // Cart quantity should not be more than stock value.
        if ($quantity > $entity->field_stock->value) {
          $result = t('The quantity is more than the stock quantity');
          return AvailabilityResult::unavailable($result);
        return AvailabilityResult::neutral();

Two customers add the same product in the cart; one of them purchased and finished the stock. If the person tries to purchase it, a 403 error is shown. I want to show some message instead of the 403 error.

Is there any way to achieve this?

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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