
Load balancing RTMP servers on autoscaling mode

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I've got a question in my server flow design. That I have Nginx-RTMP server(X.X.X.1) running on EC2 which supports N no of streams together. Now I put it on autoscale and launch a new machine(X.X.X.2) at let's say N-3 streams connected to 1.

I want to achieve the same end point url for all RTMP streams and I am thinking of using HAProxy as a load balancer on high n/w bandwidth machine but

  1. how can I add dynamically launched servers in to HAProxy configuration list?
  2. Once all bandwidth limits of this HAProxy (1) are used how can I dynamically add another HAProxy and redirect my users to it with same url?

I hope I made myself clear, Apologies if am not. I would be happy to provide more info.


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