Hy, I am in the course of learning how bind works. My goal is to have a local dns database so lookups in my lan are not going out to WAN.
I set up bind and didnt configure it as forwarding or caching server intentionally but it seems that is whats its doing as there is no "big dns" file anywhere, so bind does look up in the wan, but where?
I have enabled logging, but bind only shows which lan - client is doing a request and what it is requesting and wether the request fails or not. Every second request fails but functions at the second request, I dont know why, but thats secondary for now.
--> How do I find out what bind actually does - where does bind look up itself?
My named.conf.options file is, where *.125 is the bind server in my lan:
acl goodclients { // Name kann frei gewählt werden; // Lokales Netz (IP-Adressbereich anpassen)
localhost; // localhost sollte immer eingetragen sein
options {
directory "/var/cache/bind";
// If there is a firewall between you and nameservers you want
// to talk to, you may need to fix the firewall to allow multiple
// ports to talk. See http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/800113
// If your ISP provided one or more IP addresses for stable
// nameservers, you probably want to use them as forwarders.
// Uncomment the following block, and insert the addresses replacing
// the all-0's placeholder.
// If BIND logs error messages about the root key being expired,
// you will need to update your keys. See https://www.isc.org/bind-keys
dnssec-validation auto;
listen-on {;;};
allow-query {goodclients;}; //ACL-Name von oben
querylog yes;
logging {
channel querylog {
file "/var/log/named/querylog";
severity debug 3;