
Squid proxy server returning error

ne flag

I have designed a topology which has an external proxy server ( and a Mikrotik Router ( The MikroTik router connected with a LAN and enables internet connection to LAN PCs. The LAN PCs has IP from the block

I want traffic (HTTP, HTTPS) from LAN PCs to go through the proxy server, so that I don't need to configure Browser manually to use proxy settings. For this I have created DST-NAT into MikroTik Router in following method:

Step 1

Step 2

Traffic from LAN PCs going through proxy server (Squid) but it's showing an error like below:

Squid Error

What goes wrong here?

cn flag

You need to use the policy routing, not the DNAT, see

ne flag


I already followed that method and it returns same error. I think it has something to do with Squid setup. I have been suggested that I need to set squid as transparent proxy. So I set following:

http_port 3128 transparent

in /etc/squid/squid.conf file but after that squid service failed to start!


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