
FreeIPA - ssh as root prompted for password

mm flag

I know the access via root won't work (client sshd_config and restricted account in FreeIPA). But is there a way to blacklist root either on the host or on FreeIPA so it's denied immediately rather than prompting for a password?

I'm wondering if I'm missing something... If not possible then I guess my next goal will be to log root attempts via FreeIPA and alert/report on them.

vn flag

You should be able to do something like this in sshd_config:

Match User root
  AuthenticationMethods publickey

Match User *
  AuthenticationMethods publickey,password

Possibly add an AuthorizedKeysFile /dev/null to the root config as well.

Jacob Evans avatar
br flag
can't you do `AuthenticationMethods none`
vn flag
I don't think so: "none" (used for access to password-less accounts when PermitEmptyPasswords is enabled).
okapi avatar
us flag
There's also `PermitRootLogin no` or `prohibit-password`

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