
Adding mirrored array to an up and running Qnap system

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We had 2 Qnap Nas running side by side. 1 was a TS-251 and the other is a TS-451. Both are using 2 bays in a RAID 1 configuration. The 251 had a hardware failure and will not boot up. These two systems are compatible according to the Qnap tool and both had recent firmware.

The question is, can I add the TS-251 RAID 1 array to the spare 2 slots in the TS-451 and be able to access the data on both RAID arrays? Would I add the drives while the system is running? The only information I can find is on adding the drives when there are no drives present in the new system. I'm trying to add an array to an already up and running system.


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