
What could be the reason that docker bridge networks are not able to communicate with the world after an upgrade from debian 8 to 10?

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I know, this question is very specific. After a whole day, I gave up and installed a clean Debian 10. Because on a system that got upgraded from 8 to 10, it was impossible for me to find the reason, why a container connected to a custom bridged network, is no longer able to talk to the outside world. In other words:

On both servers:

docker network create test

On the migrated server:

docker run --rm busybox ping ----> able to ping
docker run --rm --network test busybox ping ----> unable to ping

On a fresh installed Debian 10:

docker run --rm busybox ping ----> able to ping
docker run --rm --network test busybox ping ----> able to ping

And after spending many many hours, searching for every tiny hint out there, comparing configs, iptables, everything, i had to give up.

I am now going with the fresh system. But because i spent so much time debugging this, I still want to leave a footprint here (and a warning) - and maybe someone out there knows WHY.

In that case, I would be happy to learn something.

I compared everything between the migrated and the new server, everything looks the same.
I even installed the same docker-version, reinstalled docker several times, cleaned the iptables, added custom dns servers, tried everything you can find on the first 5 pages of a google search.


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