
Cannot access gitlab web UI after upgrading omnibus to 14.12

in flag

I have gitlab omnibus install on a linux debian server. Yesterday, the installation was upgraded to 14.12 (from 14.11) - and now I'm unable to access the web UI. On investigation, it seems that the issue was caused by a conflict of versions of ruby and passenger. I'm using an external nginx on the server, as the tail server has other virtual hosts. I have the latest version of passenger installed - 6.0.9. Gitlab latest version comes with ruby version 2.7.2 - but passenger 6.0.9 has no support for that version, it support 2.7.3 instead.

I downgraded passenger to version 6.0.8 - now the passenger_native error is resolved (by direct downloading exact version). However I'm getting the following error in the log:

Could not spawn process for application /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails:
A timeout occurred while starting a preloader process.

There's not much more info. There is one question I found on SO from years ago - this one - with the same error - but it's not solved. I'm in no position to install/run docker on the server.

How can I get gitlab UI to show?


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