
certbot option to _display_ configs (specifically currently-registered email address)

cn flag

Does anyone know of an option with certbot (a.k.a. letsencrypt) to show the current configuration options? I know one can specify the config file (--config) and specify the registered email address (-m), but I'd like to inspect (in an automated way) the existing configuration values prior to executing a certbot command. I also know that I can inspect the canonical config file, but it's nice to have the program report exactly how it sees the config options (after applying things like default logic) as opposed to making assumptions about canonical file locations and reading those files separately.

So far the only robust method I've thought of is to run a verbose dry-run (-vvv --dry-run) and parse those results, but that seems pretty flaky :-/.

au flag

Since version 1.23 there is a new subcommand to show details:

certbot show_account



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