
Convert single-drive BTRFS with LUKS to raid0 using new drive

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I have a single drive with BTRFS in a LUKS container. It contains /boot and all the standard btrfs subvolumes. I have a second drive I would like to add while at the same time combining drive1 and the new drive as raid0.

I have created a LUKS container on drive2 and formatted it to btrfs. The keyfile for drive2 is contained on the / partition of drive1 (An obvious problem here).

Can the raid0 conversion be done in-place (With the OS of drive1 running) and how can I use LUKS on the second drive without having to manually unlock it? If the drives (Or filesystems) are striped, unlocking drive1 will not give access to keyfile of drive2.

I tried searching for how to encrypt drive2 with the same LUKS header and found that it's maybe not a good idea.

Some chicken/egg problems here.


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