
Icinga2 hosts are marked as Pending and unhandled

my flag

I am trying to configure a icinga2 cluster of multiple nodes (agents) and one master.

I am using this Ansible role to do this.

Hostnames are resolved using entries inside /etc/hosts.

The problem I am having is that the hosts inside icingaweb2 are marked as Pending and unhandled.

On the master I get the following error messages:

[2021-06-21 11:50:25 +0200] warning/JsonRpcConnection: API client disconnected for identity 'mongodb-000'
[2021-06-21 11:50:33 +0200] warning/ApiListener: Certificate validation failed for endpoint 'mongodb-000': code 18: self signed certificate

On an endpoint it's the same:

[2021-06-21 11:53:53 +0200] warning/JsonRpcConnection: API client disconnected for identity 'icinga-000'
[2021-06-21 11:53:55 +0200] warning/ApiListener: Certificate validation failed for endpoint 'icinga-000': code 18: self signed certificate

When I query the API to check which endpoints are connected all nodes are shown as not_conn_endpoints:

root@icinga-000:/home/ansible# curl --user icinga2:nope --silent --insecure --header 'Accept: application/json' https://localhost:5665/v1/status/ApiListener | jq --raw-output ".results[].status"
  "api": {
    "conn_endpoints": [],
    "http": {
      "clients": 1
    "identity": "icinga-000",
    "json_rpc": {
      "anonymous_clients": 18,
      "relay_queue_item_rate": 0.7333333333333333,
      "relay_queue_items": 0,
      "sync_queue_item_rate": 0,
      "sync_queue_items": 0,
      "work_queue_item_rate": 1.2833333333333334
    "not_conn_endpoints": [
    "num_conn_endpoints": 0,
    "num_endpoints": 13,
    "num_not_conn_endpoints": 13,
    "zones": {
      "app-manager-000": {
        "client_log_lag": 0,
        "connected": false,
        "endpoints": [
        "parent_zone": "master"
      "app-manager-001": {
        "client_log_lag": 0,
        "connected": false,
        "endpoints": [
        "parent_zone": "master"
      "app-manager-002": {
        "client_log_lag": 0,
        "connected": false,
        "endpoints": [
        "parent_zone": "master"
      "app-worker-000": {
        "client_log_lag": 0,
        "connected": false,
        "endpoints": [
        "parent_zone": "master"
      "app-worker-001": {
        "client_log_lag": 0,
        "connected": false,
        "endpoints": [
        "parent_zone": "master"
      "global-cloud-proxy-000": {
        "client_log_lag": 0,
        "connected": false,
        "endpoints": [
        "parent_zone": "master"
      "graylog-manager-000": {
        "client_log_lag": 0,
        "connected": false,
        "endpoints": [
        "parent_zone": "master"
      "master": {
        "client_log_lag": 0,
        "connected": true,
        "endpoints": [
        "parent_zone": ""
      "minio-000": {
        "client_log_lag": 0,
        "connected": false,
        "endpoints": [
        "parent_zone": "master"
      "mongodb-000": {
        "client_log_lag": 0,
        "connected": false,
        "endpoints": [
        "parent_zone": "master"
      "mongodb-001": {
        "client_log_lag": 0,
        "connected": false,
        "endpoints": [
        "parent_zone": "master"
      "mongodb-arbiter-000": {
        "client_log_lag": 0,
        "connected": false,
        "endpoints": [
        "parent_zone": "master"
      "openvpn-000": {
        "client_log_lag": 0,
        "connected": false,
        "endpoints": [
        "parent_zone": "master"
      "teleport-000": {
        "client_log_lag": 0,
        "connected": false,
        "endpoints": [
        "parent_zone": "master"

The configuration can be found down below.

Master configuration

root@icinga-000:/etc/icinga2# cat zones.d/mongodb-000/mongodb-000.conf 
// Ansible managed

object Host "mongodb-000" {
  display_name = "mongodb-000"
  command_endpoint = "mongodb-000"
  zone = "mongodb-000"
  address = ""
import "generic-host"
  vars = {
    os = "Linux"
    dist = "Ubuntu"
    dist_ver = "20.04"
    disks = {
      "disk /" = {
        disk_partitions = "/"
    services = [ "uptime", "memory", "load" ]
    memory = true


I want to configure the nodes as agents, but for some reason the ansible role also creates sattelites config files. Not sure what's going on here...

root@icinga-000:/etc/icinga2# cat satellites.d/mongodb-000.conf
// Ansible managed

// defined zone: mongodb-000
object Endpoint "mongodb-000" { host = "mongodb-000"; port = "5665" }
object Zone "mongodb-000" { endpoints = [ "mongodb-000" ] ; parent = "master" }

Node configuration

root@mongodb-000:/etc/icinga2# cat zones.conf
// Ansible managed

object Endpoint "icinga-000" { host = "";   port = "5665" }
object Zone "master" { endpoints = [ "icinga-000" ] }

object Endpoint "mongodb-000" { host = "mongodb-000"; port = "5665" }
object Zone "mongodb-000" { endpoints = [ "mongodb-000" ] ; parent = "master" }
object Zone "global-templates" { global = true }
object Zone "director-global"  { global = true }

I'm guessing there is an error inside the configuration, but since I'm new to icinga and has been shutdown and all the links are now dead, I am at a loss why it's not working. Any pointers are highly appreciated.


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