
postgrey via systemctl doesn't create socket

cn flag

If I run it /usr/sbin/postgrey with parameteres it works as usual. If i use /etc/init.d/postgrey restart or systemctl restart postgrey - it doesn't.

It looks like it doesn't read /etc/default/postgrey at all, but how to debug this? And if so, how to force it?


POSTGREY_OPTS="--unix /var/spool/postfix/postgrey/socket"
anx avatar
fr flag
Please [edit] your question to show the `/etc/default/postgrey` contents and the output of `systemctl --no-pager --full status postgrey` it will show the effective options used. The systemd unit (possibly generated to defer to the init script) or the init script should be more or less human-readable. Start with that and relevant logs.
cn flag
@anx - half-edited - later I add status

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