
how to make a redirect conditional on nginx conf

cg flag

I should make a conditional rediction in nginx. I would like to do something like that.

$http_code = code from curl commande

if ( $http_code = 200 ){

"redirection to server 1"


else {

"redirection to server 2"


So can someone help me to find a way to do it, or give me example of nginx conf with condition like this.


djdomi avatar
za flag the same imho can be used for any other
khaled avatar
cg flag
I have already seen this post and it does not answer my request, because i want to make a test and the rediction will be to another server depending to result
djdomi avatar
za flag
location = /foo { error_page 404 = @ext_404; } location @ext_404 { proxy_pass; it does not answer it? it DOES
djdomi avatar
za flag
You can join me on and we will discuss this sutation with some words
khaled avatar
cg flag
Thank you for your proposal, but i don't have enough of right to acces to the chat
djdomi avatar
za flag
now oyu should :-)
khaled avatar
cg flag
i have this message "You must have 20 reputation on The Stack Exchange Network to talk here" that's why i can't be on the chat
us flag
I don't think basic nginx has feature to implement such conditional processing based on results on requests to other parts. You need to use either nginx JS module or LUA module with an appropriate script to implement this logic.

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