
How to specify identity when using SSH agent?

in flag

I've got a slightly unusual use-case...

I'm using SSH via certificates, (where the authentication mechanism isn't just a signature from a private key, but also presentation of a signed cert).

I have many endpoints/servers and different environments that I access in the same session, thus my ssh-agent is "loaded" with many identities at a time.

I'm using the ssh-agent as it provides a number of niceties like forwarding.

The issue I'm hitting is, my VM endpoints all have an sshd_config with MaxAuthTries set to a low value. This cannot be changed. What I've noticed is, when the agent has many identities (certs/keys) added to it, and I try to connect to a given endpoint, the agent seems to loop through all added identities, trying each in turn, which is sometimes triggering the MaxAuthTries rule, resulting in Too many authentication failures.

So my question is, whilst using the ssh-agent is there a way to specify which identity it's got which it should use?

I want to use the ssh-agent but don't want it to cycle through each identity trying each one.

I thought of using a hosts config file, but it's going to be a manual effort given the number of blades I maintain.

I've tried the -o flag, but this seems to not look at loaded identities in the agent, and instead try to find them "locally" - where locally is the current SSH context.

Thanks for reading...

bo flag

Can you make a distinction based on hostname? If so, you can try putting the following in ~/.ssh/config.

Host *
User <your_username>
IdentityFile <certificate>

Host *
User <your_username>
IdentityFile <certificate>

This solution is as mentioned in the comment from the OP only workable if there is some kind of logic in the names of the hosts. With this I mean being able to determine the to be used key from the hostname, domainname, ... of what you are connecting to.

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in flag
yep but as I mentioned in the question, its too manual, I have hundreds of hosts...

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