
Stop NGINX from locally caching a directory

nc flag

So, the issue I am currently facing is that NGINX on my system keeps caching huge video files in memory when a HTTP request is made. This is causing NGINX to be using 20GB+ of memory and me having to run sync; echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches (clearing pagecache) frequently to stop constant swapping. I have provided below the relevant configuration.


location /protected/ {
    alias /usr/share/nginx/html/videos/;


function Download(){
    global $path, $fname;
    $file = "$path/$fname";
    header("Content-Type: video/mp4");
    header("Content-Length: " . filesize($file)); 
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$fname.'"');
    header("X-Accel-Redirect: /protected/$fname");

What I have tried in nginx.conf:

sendfile off;
if_modified_since off;
expires off;
etag off;
proxy_no_cache 1;
proxy_cache_bypass 1;
open_file_cache off;

P.S: I am calculating the memory usage for these files using pcstat and fincore, these MP4 files are being 100% cached when being watched by a user and each are 5GB+ in size.

us flag
Are you sure it is nginx using 20GB+ memory? Dropping page caches doesn't affect nginx memory usage, it just removes files from cache.
us flag

One can disable operating system caching for files served by nginx by using directio <size> setting. <size> is the threshold for file size, bigger files than that will be copied using DMA directly, and the files are not cached.

djdomi avatar
za flag
proxy_no_cache 1; afaik on or off is correct
us flag
Not in this case since there is no reverse proxy configured. `proxy_no_cache` only affects reverse proxy caching.
djdomi avatar
za flag
as you are not showing the full config we have to assum you use a proxy connection
djdomi avatar
za flag
`expires -1;` disables any caching try as it invalids any requests and also `add_header 'Cache-Control' 'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate, max-age=0';` force REALLY to ignore any caching behavior
us flag
That is disabling HTTP caching. It does not affect nginx memory usage in any way.

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