
When only secp384r1 is enabled in a server with TLS, 0-RTT doesn't work. Why?

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0-RTT doesn't work when secp384r1 is the only one enabled in a server with TLS.

I am using OpenSSL:

  • This happens in:
    • Apache with my own 0-RTT implementation (still in progress)
    • NGINX

If I add another curve to the list, like secp384r1:prime256v1 or secp384r1:X25519: 0-RTT starts to work.

By not working, I mean, when I connect to the server using s_client in OpenSSL, it says that Early data was rejected, but if I enable another curve like the ones mentioned above: I get Early data was accepted.

I am unable to find about this anywhere online except this

Simpleperson avatar
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Suddenly, enabling prime256v1 didn't work for me either. I will keep updating if I discover new issues here

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