
kolla ansible - missing sudo password

je flag

I try to precheck kolla-ansible before deploy openstack but here is the problem and I don't know how to fix it. I followed this document to setup : Can anyone help?

UPDATE: I fixed the missing sudo error by installing sshpass on controller and run this command on each node echo "user_name ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/user_name When I prechecked, everything was fine, so I decided to deploy

kolla-ansible -i multinode deploy

And here is the problem enter image description here

berndbausch avatar
us flag
Please don't post images of text. Very hard to read on an ipad, for example. Also, it's not a good idea to follow four years old instructions for an OpenStack version that has been obsolete for a while. Use instead. In any case, could it be that you have not configured password-less sudo for your user account?
Tùng Nguyễn avatar
je flag
Sorry, i am using VMRC client on vSphere and I don't have permission to enable copy & paste between VMRC client and Windows/Linux Virtual Machine. I also follow but it does not say anything about configuring password-less sudo
berndbausch avatar
us flag
It's a requirement of Ansible. Think about it: How else can you perform tasks that require root privileges? Alternatively, you can provide the password as shown in the sample inventory at
Tùng Nguyễn avatar
je flag
Thanks sir, i installed sshpass on my controller and it fixed my problem, but now there is another issue, I've updated it on the post
berndbausch avatar
us flag
Here is where I say I stop reading. My eyes hurt from the blurry red on black, even on a PC. Log on to the Kolla with ssh and replace the image with text. I did see the word "wallaby" - you seem to be using Mitaka instructions for Wallaby. It's very likely that you will run into problems.
ug flag

Make sure you enable using insecure docker registry in globals.yml file in order to get past the

ensure fluentd image is present for label check error.

# Docker options

# Custom docker registry settings:
# Please read the docs carefully before applying docker_registry_insecure.

docker_registry_insecure: "yes"

# docker_registry_password is set in the passwords.yml file.

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