
Linux ipv4 forwarding not working as expected

uy flag

I wanna use my raspberry pi as a intermediate router to access other LANs. Something like the following.

──────────────────────vpn 10.1.4.x─┐

So I enabled ipv4 forwarding in pi4b kernel.

net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 0
net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 0
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects = 1
net.ipv4.conf.all.secure_redirects = 0
net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects = 1

On pi there is a default route to router( And pc has default route set to pi( Router's routing tables I don't have access, but I assume nothing special. It's a Redmi AX6, SSH not available.

But then I cannot access internet on my pc.

magrathea:~ jeffwhen$ traceroute
traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
 1  * pi4b (  2.248 ms *
 2  xiaoqiang (  2.292 ms  1.317 ms  1.258 ms
 3  * * *
 4  * * *

What did I do wrong? Any help would be appreciated.

Another piece of info which might be helpful: after adding masquerade in nat POSTROUTING chain, I can access internet on my pc. I think this means the pc does send everything through my raspberry pi. But why is masquerading necessary?

vidarlo avatar
ar flag
What is the routing table on the PC? What is the routing table on the Pi? What is the routing table on your router?
Jeffwhen avatar
uy flag
@vidarlo pc has default route to pi. And pi has default route to router. Router I can't access it routing table. ```
vidarlo avatar
ar flag
Does the Pi have two interfaces?
Jeffwhen avatar
uy flag
@vidarlo Not yet.
Jeffwhen avatar
uy flag
My plan is connect to office VPN on pi, then nat certain traffic to vpn link by masquerading. But I haven't started those configurations. I figure I have to be able to access internet via my router first.
ar flag

When your Pi gets a package that is not handled directly, it probably issues a ICMP route redirect, telling your PC to use directly. This however doesn't work very well; it's a security risk, so many modern operating systems ignore them.

The proper solution is one of two:

  • Have one router per subnet
  • Have a route explicitly declared on the client.

One router per subnet

Configure the network between your Pi and your PC to a different subnet than the rest of your LAN, e.g. Your Pi will then have a default route with gw, and with some gateway.

Any machines behind the Pi will simply have with Pi as gateway.

Declare route on client

Configure your Pi to have a IP in the Do not set it as default gateway on any PC's; they should all have

Add a route to via the Pi. On windows this can be done with

route ADD MASK 

Use route -p ADD... to persist the route across reboots.

Jeffwhen avatar
uy flag
This is very detailed. Thank you. So I tried to capture the ICMP redirect in wireshark using expression `icmp.type == 5`. But I couldn't get any. Why is that?
vidarlo avatar
ar flag
I'll admit it's a bit of a shot from the hip, based on expirience ;)

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