
Virtual Host With Proxypass

cn flag

When I try to open URL, it will show (the requested URL was not found)

When I type it will show the page but almost CSS file and image not showing. The image load with

hopefully someone can help me

My virtual host config

<VirtualHost  *:80>

ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /

djdomi avatar
za flag
What kidn of page are you using, please wrote more context as currently you using a Reverse-Proxy that access already the Subfolder - either remove /tissue from the Reverse-Proxy or keep it and fix your CSS files
Hisham Yacob avatar
cn flag
i am using joomla.... i have main web apache server... the virtual host at the server but the joomla installation is in other server... that why i use proxypass
djdomi avatar
za flag
how do you want to get your site showing, with url/ orurl/tissue?
Hisham Yacob avatar
cn flag will redirect to will show url not found when i type will show the page but error 404 for css file or image location.
djdomi avatar
za flag
then fix joomla, your site then was setup to use /tissue instead of /

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