
Logging special error messages to extra file or DB in exim

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I am running exim to send emails for my web application. Some users I am sending emails to have exceeded their quote with their mail provider and I am getting 452 error messages.

I would like to

  • either log these messages to a seperate log file or a database
  • or parse my main log file for these errors (I have configured log_selector = +all)

and in the end display a message to the user in my web application about their mailbox being full.

My problem with the first path is that I do not know if exim can do that (log special errors to a specific location). I found the events and it looks like msg:defer is the one I need but I am not sure.

I did not try the second path yet because I would like to show the original error message from the log to my user but for this I need high confidence in my log parsing code as it should not show any unrelted or sensitive information to the users.

Are there any possibilities to do either of the two (logging to special location or reliable log parsing)?


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