
rsnapshot to backup windows client

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we have setup and run rsnapshot ver 1.4.2 on a linux server (backup server), running centos 7.9. Several other centos boxes, are configured and backup to linux server, using rsnapshot utility We are running also several windows boxes mostly windows 2018/19 servers, and would like to backup them through rsnapshot on the backup server . Has anyone configured and run this setup successfully? I have done several actions, like installed openssh on windows server but nothing works. Any ideas, any running examples?

Brian Thomas avatar
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If you can post your configs, we can maybe point out where your going wrong. I think its just in the configs. Ive done this, tried to get remote working, forsaw no issues, had all infra in place, so yes, almost. I cant guarantee the windows fileserver portion, because im not sure which protocol yet that rsnap would be using to connect to the winboxes. You can adjust the config to run in fashion to use `localhost` as host, once that works you can copy that config below and change the hostname, leaving you two entries, 2nd being `192.168.x.x`, etc.. Open all ports on all boxes.

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