
Rsyslog unable to receive syslogs from two or more switches , error in rsyslog configuration file

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I am trying to send syslogs from routers/switches in a production environment to a linux server which has Rsyslog installed on it. Its working fine as long as rsyslog config file is set to receive logs from one switch, as soon as I am making changes to the rsyslog configuration file to receive logs from another switch as well , its throwing error while restarting rsyslog server after making changes and the logs are no longer recorded. Its back to normal operation of recording logs as long as I am configuring it to receive logs from just one switch.enter image description here

Zius_123 avatar
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# # Where to place spool and state files # $WorkDirectory /var/spool/rsyslog module(load="imfile" PollingInterval="10") # # Include all config files in /etc/rsyslog.d/ # $IncludeConfig /etc/rsyslog.d/*.conf If $fromhost-ip == "##.##.#.###" then { Action (type="omfile" File="/home/**path**/**path**/**path**/latest.log") } If $fromhost-ip == "##.##.#.###" then { Action (type="omfile" File="/**path**/*path*/*path*/***/latest.log") }
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