
UNSCD DNS TTL value vs configuration value

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We're using unscd for DNS caching and recently we'd to do some sort of load balancing which was partially done on the DNS level. This implied more frequent updates on the IP addresses returned by the server and a smaller TTL value.

After doing some testing, unscd doesn't seem to consider the TTL values returned by the DNS server and is always using the configuration value instead.

I didn't find much on the documentation regarding this. I also took a look over the source code and at a first sight it doesn't seem to consider the DNS's TTL (although I'll have to take a closer look on the code in order to say this). I know nscd does and unscd should be an improved version of that with all functionalities being the same.

Does someone know if unscd considers the DNS TTL value?

This is the /etc/nscd.conf in case it helps

threads                 2
max-threads             8
debug-level             10

enable-cache            passwd          no
enable-cache            group           no

enable-cache            hosts           yes
positive-time-to-live   hosts           900
negative-time-to-live   hosts           30
suggested-size          hosts           211
check-files             hosts           no

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