
Why is ansible running on a server if they already changed their password?

jp flag

What happens is that once you run a playbook with the credentials of a server (your password changes randomly every 12 hours) but after the ansible password is changed you are still able to run the playbook even though the inventory file password is old and when I want to access the same server by ssh manually, it denies me access (since the password is old). I've been looking for the reason but I can't find anything.

Does anybody know what is it due to?

Thank you for reading.

Zeitounator avatar
fr flag
Hard to tell exactly with so little information and absolutely no debugging data. The two obvious reason I can think of and you might want to check: 1) You are actually using an ssh key and not a user/password to connect to the server 2) You have a very long (i.e. more than 12 hours) timeout set for ssh master session and you are reusing the previous successful connection although password has changed.

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