
Lost RDP session on gcp VM(windows server 2016) afer changing firewall settings

cn flag

I lost my RDP session after setting up some firewall settings on my GCP windows VM and now that is unreachable via IP or RDP or URL. I tried pinging that IP but request timed out.

Can someone please help?

jp flag
Have you tried to connect to your VM via [Windows SAC]( and [disable your firewall rule](
Jamil Aslam avatar
cn flag
@SerhiiRohoza Thank you for your help brother. You saved me. I was working to find the solution for last 2 days. Your answer gave me a proper direction and I found this article which resolved my problem.
jp flag
Nice to hear that. Please upvote/accept my answer if it was helpful for you.
jp flag

As it was discussed at the comments section, to solve this issue you should connect to your VM instance via serial console and then remove the firewall rule. More details you can find at the documentation Windows SAC.

As it was mentioned by @Jamil Aslam, this article shows an example of such action.


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