
Coredns ACL plugin for restricting domain from Kubernetes Pod

ar flag

How can I use use coredns acl plugin for the domain based access [blocking/allowing] the egress calls ? As per my use case I want to control the outgoing calls from my pod.
something like this :

. {
    acl {
        allow net
        block net

Note: I see in my default pods that coredns pod is already present with image: rancher/coredns-coredns:1.8.3. I understand that it comes default with k3s.

PS: I have already explored calico and other network policy but they are not fulfilling my requirement.

moonkotte avatar
in flag
Most likely it won't help because `users are able to block or filter suspicious DNS queries by configuring IP filter rule sets`. 1 - it's about DNS queries only, 2 - I don't see anything about domain names in source, quote from URL you mentioned `SOURCE is the source IP address to match for the requests to be allowed or blocked. Typical CIDR notation and single IP address are supported. * stands for all possible source IP addresses.`
solveit avatar
ar flag
Ok. I am also exploring the last option: dns service if it can provide the solution by modifying the manifest files. If you can confirm this too

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