
Postfix Relaying Denied issues With ASSP

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I'm playing around with ASSP and postfix on a gateway server... Basically all mail sent to the server will run to the gateway (, Hit ASSP, once processed will then be routed to localhost: server postfix config handles the difference) and then postfix is setup to forward the mail out to the receiving server...

The issue I am having is that all mail routed to be sent to (receiving server) does not get there, postfix give's me a relay not allowed error message...

Basically I want to forward all mail to the gateway once processed through to the ip address, that server can respond if the recipient is invalid.

What do I need to change to allow this change?

Michael Hampton avatar
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Post your `` and ``.
Marcel avatar
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I thought I was making a mistake with Postfix, turned out to be the local domain check in assp that was causing the issue. Thanks anyway @MichaelHampton :). Got it solved

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