
How to block network connection to all `root` process?

us flag

My system is debian 10 with nftables.
output of nethogs as below:

? root 
? root 
? root 
? root 
? root 
? root 
? root 
? root
? root  
? root 

I ss -pl | grep 59100 but got nothing,then I plan to block all root process to network connection.
How to do it?

jp flag
This seems like *an XY problem*. If I get it right, you don't understand what these connections are and try to solve it simply by blocking them. But there's a problem with this approach: root might need Internet access for e.g. system updates, and if there are malicious connections from root, it's already game over.
kittygirl avatar
us flag
@EsaJokinen,I want to block root all the time,except update.
jp flag

With iptables, this would be rather easy with the owner match extension:

sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p all -m owner --uid-owner 0 -j DROP

Likewise, nftables has matching by socket UID / GID:

sudo nft add rule filter output meta skuid 0 counter
kittygirl avatar
us flag
I add `log prefix "drop root: " meta skuid 0 counter drop` in nftables rule,seemed works fine. ps.What's the meaning of `meta`?
kittygirl avatar
us flag
Cound I use `!` or `not` to set only one user pass,such as `log prefix "drop root: " meta ! skuid 1000 counter drop`?

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