
Taking ownership of ROAMING folder from another computer by connecting the HDD to an external hard drive

es flag

Taking ownership of ROAMING folder from another computer by connecting the HDD to an external hard drive.

My old computer blew up, so I connected the HDD to my laptop. Now, the issue is that I don't have access to ROAMING and I can't get the password of some of my accounts. I thought it would be easy, but it seems almost impossible, which is dumb.

C:\Windows\system32>TAKEOWN /F E:\ /R /D Y
ERROR: The media is write protected.

C:\Windows\system32>ICACLS "E:\*" /reset /T
E:\$AV_ASW: The media is write protected.
Successfully processed 0 files; Failed processing 1 files

I also tried to do it with the security group, but I get similar message errors. Is there a way to do this? I couldn't find any tutorial for this specific situation.

djdomi avatar
za flag
did you verfied that your drive does not set to be write protected by diskpart?
es flag

I actually just found the way.

Open diskpart.

Enter list disk

Enter select disk <disk number>

Enter attributes disk clear readonly

And then enter the command above:

C:\Windows\system32>TAKEOWN /F E:\ /R /D Y
ERROR: The media is write protected.

C:\Windows\system32>ICACLS "E:\*" /reset /T
E:\$AV_ASW: The media is write protected.
Successfully processed 0 files; Failed processing 1 files

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