
Odd rpcbind connection

cn flag

I ran rpcbind on my Centos 8 server and I noted an odd server:

rpcbind 1038 rpc 13u IPv4 46028565 0t0 TCP CentOS-82-64-minimal:sunrpc-> (ESTABLISHED)

Looks very dubious. Any idea how this might have occurred or how to avoid it?

Massimo avatar
ng flag
An IP address would definitely help here. Where is this connection actually going?
Massimo avatar
ng flag
Looks definitely dubious (If I just put the name in a web browser it actually connects and I get a default WordPress site). But there is no way of knowing what on your system actually connected to it, how or why.
1qwelle avatar
cn flag
I got this after searching: This is scanning the port I assume? Yet I don't understand why it appears alongisde RPCBIND
A.B avatar
cl flag
Anyway, just as databases, this service should probably never be exposed to Internet without proper firewalling.

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