
Display not adjusts it self with ssh connected to a container in linux server after i resize the font size in item2

in flag

Problem description:

I was using ssh connecting to a linux server and use docker exec -u root -it container-name bash to login into the container with item2. The display failed to resize itself after I changed the font size. And it looks like below: enter image description here

Things tried:

  1. Change the setting in the server
shopt -s checkwinsize
  1. Change some configuration of item2 like preferences -> advanced -> Terminal windows resize smoothly to yes

Expected result:

After i resize the font, i can get below display with full screen: enter image description here

  1. What side decide the problem, ssh client side or ssh server side?
djdomi avatar
za flag
imho this is normal as the default Terminal size has a fixed value and will not update by itself.

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