
lxc send file or copy

mq flag

I am trying to copy a file with lxc, now I am already desperate. Here are some commands that I have tried:

#lxc-attach -n containerName echo $temp > /root/
#lxc-attach -n containerName cat /root/

#lxc-attach -n containerName -- bash -c 'echo $temp > /root/'
#lxc-attach -n containerName cat /root/

#lxc-attach -n containerName -- bash -c 'echo $(cat > /root/'
->cat: No such file or directory

#lxc-attach -n containerName -- bash -c 'echo "$(cat" > /root/'
->cat: No such file or directory

#lxc file push containerName/root/
->Error: not found

The -> is the output

Containers are built with lxc- and do not appear in the lxc list list, but in the lxc-ls list.

Any help is welcome

in flag

Try this:

cat | lxc-attach -n containerName tee /root/


I tested this with docker containers, as I don't have lxc available at the moment. With docker this works when the -i parameter for an interactive session is specified. I don't see a corresponding parameter for lxc-attach, I don't know if this is necessary or possible.

mq flag
Well, the truth is that no, if they don't have the format indicated above directly, they don't work. But +1 for teaching me how to do that in docker. I leave an example `cat | docker exec -i name_container tee /root/`
mq flag
I leave this comment to remind myself that I owe a +1 to [@gerald-schneider]( (When I do I will delete this message)
mq flag

This solution only works in the case that the LXC is in a machine in which you can connect with SSH, DOES NOT WORK WITH VIRTULIZED LXC. You need access to the lxc folders!

cp /root/input/ /var/lib/lxc/NAME_LXC/rootfs/root/

The truth is that it is a mess for me to understand LXC/LXD. Now I understand many things and it became clearer to me how it works from behind

The trick is that everything is based on physical files in this path /var/lib/lxc/


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